Feminine Products

Adobe Photoshop & InDesign  Lighting Design  Drafting & Vectorworks  Scenic Design  Branding

A play by Tessa Albertson exploring the comedic (and horrific) lives of two young college women.

In my role I conducted the photography and design for the posters advertising the show around campus.


Feminine Products tells the story of two college women in their dorm room. The play is a comedy which uses grotesque imagery to shock its audience. As the branding designer, as well as light and scenic designer, I worked with the creator Tessa to create a visual language for her play.

Photos: Bola Okoya for Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton University.

Wallace Black Box Theater, Princeton University
Play by Tessa Albertson  
Director: Marc Schorin
Sound design: Tessa Albertson
Choreography: Haydon John
Stage Manager: Sally Root
Light / Scenic Advisors: Tess James & Lawrence Moten

 Thank you for being here! I’m excited for you to see my work!