This Wonderful Memory

Adobe CC  Lighting Design  Drafting  Sculpture  Creative Direction

My first fine-art solo show at the Hurley Gallery, Princeton. Work surrounding environmental disaster, memory and childhood.  



“This Wonderful Memory” was an exploration of my childhood painting of “The Last Tree”. The childhood image shows 16 people in masks watching the last tree as if it’s a tourist attraction. The exhbition, over 10 years after the original picture, explores and recreates this image through fossilizing it. The show explores our memories and fears as if they are deeply buried in the ground. Outside of curating and creating the art, I also designed an original REP plot of lighting design for this exhibition.

The Last Tree

Concrete, Wood, PVC Pipe, Wire, Tape 

16 Masks

Concrete, Wood, Wire

Front: The Last Tree 

Right: Used Masks (surgical mask, wire, PVC pipe, concrete, wood)


Collograph, concrete, wood, wire
Used Masks 

Concrete, tape, PVC pipe, surgical mask

 Thank you for being here! I’m excited for you to see my work!