Four Walls

Vectorworks  Adobe CS  Design Research  Production Design  Scenic Design  Drafting

Four Walls tells the story of a newly single mother deciding to leave her life behind to protect her daughter.

Four Walls was directed by Summer Cortes, filmed at Cinespace (Chicago) for DePaul University. As production Designer, I worked to create an interior from scratch. Tracey Emin’s “My Bed” helped inform scenes in which the mother was struggling with her personal feelings around losing her daughter. Personal objects express disarray, and I learned into my research to inform objects I’d incorporate into the design.


Drawings & Drafting

My role as production designer entailed the design research process, drafting, prop sourcing as well as working alongside a team of production designers. Given we were working in a studio set-up, we built the Four Walls set from scratch using a basic room set. We painted and adjusted the different elements in the room, as well as sourcing furniture and objects for the space. This page will go through the drawings and process I took when designing the space.

Drafting rough groundplan for the set to keep order of our objects and placement. “Four Walls” was filmed in Chicago’s Cinespace Studios and we sourced, built and created the set from scratch.
Initial drawing based on coversations with director and visual research. “Four Walls” is about about a single-mother moving into a small studio apartment with her book-worm daughter. The apartment is supposed to feel homey while cramped, and filled with books.

Stills from “Four Walls”

These are shots in which the two women are preparing the room once they have moved in. We collected books for multiple weeks before the shoot to ensure we had enough to fill the space.
We sourced objects that related to the time the film is set (early 2010s). As you can see the television in the back relates to this time. We wanted the room to feel lived in and personal to the women.

The flowers were a major theme throughout the film. We changed out and aged the flowers to show the emotional state of the mother, Carmen, as she struggles with her decisions around her daughter’s living space.

 Thank you for being here! I’m excited for you to see my work!